Why Choose Bluejacketeer?

Updated Bibliographies
We mirror the bibliography and topics released by the Navy Advancement Center for your rating exam and update them each cycle.

Study Offline, From Anywhere
Study at work, aboard ship, or anytime you have a free minute with our free companion mobile app. Go offline for up to 30 days at a time.

Know Your Percentile
Our new dashboard keeps track of your performance and shows you how you compare against peers in your rating exam.

Personalized Study Plan
Know what to study with a personalized plan based on your study needs by subtopic. We make sure you know exactly what you have to cover each week so it’ll be smooth sailing come exam day.

Practice Exams & Daily Quizzes
Test your knowledge with two timed 175-question practice exams (website only), or take a daily 20-question quiz.

Warfare Qualifications Included
Our website includes invaluable study materials that will help you prepare for ESWS, FMF, EAWS, EXW, and SCW guides.
Take Advantage of Our Free Trial
Use our free trial to get a sample of our features. Use our free companion app or desktop website to easily study your bibliography. More study methods and options available on our website, to include 175-question Practice Exams designed to mirror your actual exam format.
How it works
Spaced Repetition Studying Helps You Remember Everything
Our system improves recall for people learning massive amounts of information. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, then spend time where you need it most.
Built for Sailors, by Sailors
Bluejacketeer was created by U.S. Navy Sailors to help streamline our shipmates’ study approach, providing guidance and structure for the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam. With that mission in mind, we hire only rating experts who have demonstrated exceptional performance in multiple platforms to develop all of our study materials and employ a team of experts to answer any questions you may have on your education journey.
Now supported by Kaplan, we are transforming learning through new technologies. Kaplan has been a leader in test prep for more than 80 years, helping students at all stages of their lives and careers advance professionally.

Allen Wood
Technical Director

Jonny Coreson
Business Director
See what Sailors are saying about Bluejacketeer
See ReviewsSo What’s It to Be, Shipmate?
This test cycle is your opportunity to advance. Start today and get an advantage over your competition with Bluejacketeer, the comprehensive study tool for the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam.